Press Releases

Burgess to Vote No on Debt Limit Increase

Washington, D.C. – The United States House of Representatives is expected to vote on legislation later today that will increase the federal government’s legal debt limit by $2.4 trillion, raising the limit to $16.7 trillion. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement and will vote against the measure:

Burgess to Vote No on Debt Limit Increase

Washington, D.C. – The United States House of Representatives is expected to vote on legislation later today that will increase the federal government’s legal debt limit by $2.4 trillion, raising the limit to $16.7 trillion.  Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement and will vote against the measure:

“The debt ceiling vote today is a simple question – is Congress willing to increase our debt limit by $2.4 trillion while not making any spending cuts? Absolutely not. Today’s vote comes with no cuts, and the level of unsustainable debt threatens the fabric of our republic. America must stop spending money we do not have and address the real issues that will put America back on a financial track that will turn this economy around.”
