Press Releases

Burgess Statement on One Year Anniversary of the Health Care Law

“What we have gained in surface area has been lost in depth and substance, and we are left with a rushed and ineffective law that will cost us more than just higher taxes.”

Today marks one year since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement marking the one year anniversary: “It has been one year since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. As a physician I am the first to admit we must reform America’s health care system, but the way the last Congress and President Obama approached the challenge simply did not address the areas that needed improvement. Instead, it has created a system where we will pay more to get less.

Burgess Statement on One Year Anniversary of the Health Care Law

“What we have gained in surface area has been lost in depth and substance, and we are left with a rushed and ineffective law that will cost us more than just higher taxes.”

Washington, D.C. – Today marks one year since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement marking the one year anniversary:

“It has been one year since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. As a physician I am the first to admit we must reform America’s health care system, but the way the last Congress and President Obama approached the challenge simply did not address the areas that needed improvement. Instead, it has created a system where we will pay more to get less.

“The American people made it very clear – give us reform that will address the problems, and leave what is working alone. What the American people did not want was a 2,409 page bill that shatters a system working for almost two-thirds of the American people. What Congress should have done was tackle the one-third of Americans who needed help. We could have addressed and accomplished reform in stand-alone bills, and at a much lower cost.

“We have seen that the new health care law is not what the American people want. What we have gained in surface area has been lost in depth and substance, and we are left with a rushed and ineffective law that will cost us more than just higher taxes.”
