Press Releases

Burgess Statement On Commitment To Continue Public Meetings

"In light of the recent tragedy in Tucson involving Representative Giffords, her staff, and community members, I would like to ensure residents of the 26th District of Texas that it has always been, and will continue to be, my commitment to be available to the people I represent. I have done this by holding public meetings and summits, and will continue to hold these important meetings.

Burgess Statement On Commitment To Continue Public Meetings

Washington, D.C. – Below is Dr. Burgess’ statement on his commitment to continue to hold public meetings:

"In light of the recent tragedy in Tucson involving Representative Giffords, her staff, and community members, I would like to ensure residents of the 26th District of Texas that it has always been, and will continue to be, my commitment to be available to the people I represent. I have done this by holding public meetings and summits, and will continue to hold these important meetings.

“I have a commitment to my constituents and staff to make myself available to answer questions, and help you in any way I can. My office policy for constituent events will not change, and I am still committed to ensuring, at every level possible, the safety at these events. It has been our policy to inform and work with local law enforcement at these events in the past.  I have no doubt that the professionalism and responsiveness shown by our local law enforcement to cooperate with my office to determine and provide the appropriate level of security will only become more determined in the current environment as we plan for upcoming district activities in the 112th Congress.

“While our nation has been shaken, we will persevere. Representative Giffords was doing what she loved when the unspeakable happened, and I know she would not want this vital aspect of serving our constituents to come to a halt. Our job is to serve the people we represent, and this means we have to make ourselves publicly available. The tragic event that took place in Tucson has shaken us all; however, as a public servant it is my job and obligation to not let this unforeseen tragedy stop me from serving and meeting with the people I represent.”

