Press Releases

Burgess Earns Top Committee Assignment

Texas’ Twenty-sixth Congressional District Representative Michael C. Burgess is pleased to announce that he has been appointed to the influential Energy and Commerce Committee for the 109th Congress. The U.S. House of Representatives Republican Steering Committee, which includes Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Illinois) and Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), made the official announcement today.

“This is indeed a great honor for me to have been selected for this prestigious committee, “stated Congressman Michael Burgess upon hearing the news. “As a physician, there is no better committee on which I could serve given the Energy and Commerce Committee’s jurisdiction, and I believe I can truly be an asset as the committee tackles health care concerns facing our nation. I dedicated the first half of my professional life to medicine, and now I will be able to dedicate the second half to improving health care for all.”

Congressman Burgess' responsibilities on the Energy and Commerce Committee will include jurisdiction over legislation relating to health care, international trade, telecommunications, and energy. The Committee has oversight over the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Energy, and the Federal Communications Commission.

"I'm pleased to have a fellow Texan, who is also a doctor, joining my panel," said Chairman Joe Barton (R-Texas). "There are many challenges ahead in Congress where Rep. Burgess' expertise and unique insights can play a critical role."

Congressman Burgess is looking forward to working with Chairman Joe Barton and his colleagues on the Committee to improve the Medicaid program, the National Institutes of Health, and monitor the implementation of the Medicare prescription drug benefit enacted by the 108th Congress. In addition, the Energy and Commerce Committee will devote time to the creation of a robust national energy policy and modifying the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which are high priorities for Congressman Burgess.

"The medical community will be well served by Congressman Burgess' appointment," said Dr. Kern Wildenthal, President of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. "I know how important it is to Congressman Burgess to improve the quality of medical research and patient care in this country, and the Committee will rely on his background and expertise."