Burgess in the News

Pitching With Zimmerman

Politico, Patrick Gavin and Matt Sobocinski , August 2, 2010
Politicians may be known for their spin, but we tried to get at least one of them to play it straight down the middle - literally.

POLITICO joined Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan and GOP Rep. Michael Burgess at Nationals Park recently to chat up Nationals star Ryan Zimmerman about his ziMS Foundation, which raises money and awareness for multiple sclerosis. (Zimmerman's mother was diagnosed with MS in 1995, and both Dorgan and Burgess are chairmen of the Congressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus.)

The third baseman has seen his fair share of politicians throwing out ceremonial pitches from the mound.

"Bush did better than Obama on the throw," said Zimmerman. "Sometimes you're pretty surprised with how good they do. Most of the politicians are sports fans, so I'm assuming they played earlier before they got their job."

As for Obama's infamous "high and outside" throw at Nationals Park (which Zimmerman caught at home plate), he said the president should practice before trying that again.

"He needs to — and no more White Sox stuff," Zimmerman said. (Obama pulled out a White Sox hat upon taking the mound, to a spattering of "Boo"'s from the crowd.)

Watch the video to see whether POLITICO had better pitching form than Sen. Dorgan; for information on the ziMS foundation's August 9th benefit at Nationals Park, visit the group's website.

NOTE: To view the original article, click here.