Monthly Burgess Bulletin

The Burgess Bulletin - August 2004

Congressman Michael Burgess Hosts Majority Whip Roy Blunt on his Tour of North Texas Manufacturing Centers Lewisville, TX, Aug 12 - Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) played host to visiting Congressman and Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Missouri). During his stay, Representative Blunt toured two of North Texas’ successful manufacturing centers Peterbilt Motors Company, headquartered in Denton, and Retractable Technologies of Little Elm. “I was honored to show Representative Blunt the strength of our North Texas manufacturing centers,” stated Congressman Burgess. “A respected leader in the House, Rep. Blunt’s visit solidifies that America’s economy is growing and that Denton County, is emerging as a leader in advanced technologies.” During the first tour of Peterbilt Motors Company, Congressmen Blunt and Burgess met with plant executives and employees before touring the facility. Peterbilt has reigned as America's premium quality truck manufacturer since the company's founding in 1939. As a member of the House Transportation Committee, Congressman Burgess was particularly thrilled to tour the award winning Peterbilt manufacturing center. “Their dedication to customer service and their safety improvements for truckers is invaluable to all drivers,” commented Rep Burgess. “Peterbilt and its employees were pleased to host Representatives Blunt and Burgess to showcase our Denton manufacturing facility which plays such an important role in the economy of North Texas,” says Dan Sobic, Peterbilt General Manager and PACCAR Vice President. “Both congressmen are committed to the vitality and prosperity of the transportation industry, and we applaud their efforts at reinvigorating the economy and investing in America's transportation infrastructure.” After touring Peterbilt, the Congressmen traveled the short trip to Little Elm to tour Retractable Technologies. The innovations developed at Retractable Technologies are cutting-edge health care solutions that will transform the safety issues surrounding injections. Their most recent advancement is with the VanishPoint® syringe, like the standard syringe, requires only one hand to operate. Once the injection is complete, the needle safely retracts from the patient into the barrel of the device. “As Chairman of the Health Policy Subcommittee, and a doctor of obstetrics, I recognize that such advancements in basic health care necessities can revolutionize the safety of the industry and provide economic advantages as well,” remarked Congressman Burgess. The instant and automatic process made possible with the VanishPoint® syringe makes it virtually impossible for a health care worker to suffer a potentially life-threatening needlestick injury. “Safety is always a priority when health care issues are at-hand,” stated Majority Whip Roy Blunt after touring Retractable Technologies. “Dr. Burgess showed me remarkable new technology to keep America’s health care workers safe from the illnesses they are fighting.” “We were delighted for the opportunity to show these two distinguished legislators our state of the art facility in Little Elm, and to brief them on our life-saving safety needle technology and on the global health crisis created by unsafe injections with conventional needles,” said Thomas J. Shaw, President and CEO of Retractable Technologies, Inc. Congressman Michael Burgess and Majority Whip Roy Blunt also spent time honoring volunteers at the Denton County Appreciation at the UNT Gateway Center. When asked about his time with Representative Burgess, Congressman Blunt had this to say, “Dr. Burgess’ command of health care issues was on display today, and Texas and the House of Representatives are going to benefit from his leadership as chair of the Health Policy Subcommittee.” For more information on Peterbilt Motors Company, visit: For more information on Retractable Technologies, visit: For more information on Majority Whip Roy Blunt, visit his congressional website: ________________________________________ News from Congressman Burgess Statement on the Selection of Rep. Porter Goss as CIA Director - August 11, 2004 ”President Bush’s selection of Florida Rep. Porter Goss as Central Intelligence Agency Director is a wise decision. A veteran Member of the House, Goss’ resume is ideally suited for the task of supervising the CIA. A former CIA operative in Latin America and Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Porter Goss has the background, charisma, dedication and respect required for the prominent position.” Rep. Burgess Strikes-Out Alex Rodriguez, Sort-of July 21, 2004 Taking a short break between votes, Members of Congress were given an opportunity to test their pitching prowess against “A-list” hitters as part of an Associated General Contractors of America appreciation event on Capitol Hill. Congressman Michael Burgess had the first strikeout of the day early Wednesday morning giving, ironically, Texas Rangers-clad Alex Rodriguez a nifty knuckle ball. The electronic game Power Pitcher is said to be the closest thing to being on the pitcher’s mound. For being the first Member of Congress to strikeout a major league electronic hitter, The Associate General Contractors of America will donate $100 to Habitat for Humanity in Lewisville. Rep. Burgess was also honored to walk away with an official game ball signed by Hall of Famer and former Ranger’s pitcher Gaylord Perry. ________________________________________ August Means All-Around the District Throughout the month of August, Congressman Burgess has been seen in nearly every town. Wrapping up a series of Summer Town Hall meetings, Congressman Burgess addressed hundreds of citizens packed into city town halls. Rep. Burgess addressed the crowd on transportation, health care, fundamental tax reform and national security before fielding questions from the audience. In a Heartbeat – the Southlake Town Hall During the month August, the House of Representatives takes a hiatus from voting so that Congressman can return to their home districts to spend time with constituents. Most Representatives take this time to host town hall events, but few actually save a life. That’s right – help save life! As Burgess was preparing to speak to constituents gathered for the Southlake Town Hall, Mr. Tim Ryan, a constituent who had come to see Dr. Burgess, collapsed. Mayor Andy Wambsganss immediately called on Congressman Burgess. Immediately rushing to his side, Burgess was able to revive Mr. Ryan until the Southlake Department of Public Safety arrived. The Southlake DPS was fast and efficient in assisting Mr. Ryan. On Tuesday, August 17, 2004, a Southlake Proclamation was presented to Congressman Burgess and the Southlake DPS for their efforts in saving the life of Mr. Ryan. Fall Forecast Congress will vote on the last appropriation bills for this year; a requirement for each session of Congress. On the House side, several other issues will be discussed including the 9-11 Commission’s Report, the Federal Marriage Amendment and the Transportation Reauthorization Bill currently in a House-Senate conference committee. How to Contact the Congressman If you are looking for Congressman Burgess’ opinions on various pieces of legislation before Congress, check out his website at By clicking on this website, you can view recent votes, press releases, op-ed, issue briefs and the latest news from Dr. Burgess. The website also provides links to other government sites and information on how Rep. Burgess can assist you with Constituent Services.