Press Releases

Burgess Address 9/11 Commission Reports on Aviation Security at Washington Hearing

On Capitol Hill today, Congressman Michael Burgess addressed the Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation during a hearing on the 9/11 Commission Report’s Review of Transportation Security Recommendations.

Rep. Michael Burgess, the only Texas Republican on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, provided both an opening statement and questions to the panel which included John Lehman, Commissioner, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, David Stone, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration, as well as other aviation experts from across the country.

“Our transportation system is vast and the challenge of securing it difficult, but we can develop a security system for it if we are willing to invest the necessary resources into it,” stated Rep. Burgess. “We can make our transportation system more secure and less vulnerable to attack.”

Burgess continued his opening remarks by citing specific examples of where America still needs to work on her aviation security measures: “We need to secure our skies by implementing more effective security screening procedures like biometric technologies, but we also must not be afraid to implement no-fly and selectee lists. Additionally, the report urges the TSA to expedite the installation of advanced (in-line) baggage screening equipment.”

While citing the advancements made by installing Explosive Detection Systems at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, which sits within the 26th District, Rep. Burgess continued to stress the importance of a fully integrated transportation security system.

Quick to point out a variety of additionally needed security measures, Rep. Burgess discussed tighter air cargo and general aviation procedures.

Congressman Michael Burgess concluded his remarks by critiquing the structure of our overall security system, “To make any strategy work, we must develop the proper framework to make this happen. TSA must change its current operating procedures if it is to implement the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations. The current silo-method of approaching security cannot happen when dealing with our homeland defense.”