Burgess in the News

Dallas-Fort Worth officials urge residents to donate to Haiti relief

Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Yamiol Berard, January 18, 2010
More than 22,000 names are listed on an international Web site set up by the Red Cross to help families locate missing loved ones in Haiti. So far, 1,500 earthquake survivors have been reconnected with their families, officials said.

And so far, across the nation, $103 million has been donated to the relief organization. About $22 million has been donated via text message.

The international Web site is www.icrc.org/familylinks. People in Haiti are registering there to let their families know they are safe.

Now it’s time for Tarrant County residents to help out the local chapter of the American Red Cross, urged several of the county’s elected officials and U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess.

"Do something for the people of Haiti," County Commissioner Roy Brooks said Monday at a news conference at the offices of the American Red Cross Chisholm Trail Chapter.

"Do something on this day to show your humanity.  . . .  I leave that as a challenge to everyone who sees this message."

Brooks reminded residents that such generosity was even more in demand Monday, the anniversary of the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Residents can mail in checks, donate online or text a donation, Burgess said. At his side were Brooks; Patricia Thomson, CEO of the Red Cross’ Chisholm Trail Chapter; Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley; and County Tax Assessor-Collector Betsy Price, who is also on the board of the local Red Cross chapter.

Whitley described county residents as having a "generous heart" and encouraged people to step up.

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