Burgess in the News

Burgess to study economic issues

Denton Record-Chronicle, Bj Lewis, February 6, 2009
Tags: Economy
U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess will add to his congressional responsibilities by serving on the Joint Economic Committee at the request of the House minority leader.

Michael Burgess The committee is a bicameral, bipartisan group of 10 members from the House of Representatives and the Senate. The committee will research and hold hearings concerning the economy, said Burgess, R-Lewisville.

Burgess said that when House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, asked him to serve, he hesitated because the committee is a little outside of his area of expertise.

“When I pointed it out, he said, ‘But there is no one that works harder than you,’” Burgess said.

While the committee is not a legislative one, it will be a platform to study ongoing problems the economy faces as it recovers, he said.

Elected officials will be able to benefit from more study and more knowledge before charging into solutions to fix the economy, Burgess said.

Neil Durrance, Denton County Democratic Party chairman, said Burgess could do his part to help the economy by following the lead of the president.

“And to understand the dire consequences [we face] are a result of his previous eight years of voting for the Republican budget.”

Durrance said he hopes Burgess will break with the GOP, show independence and work to get the economy and jobs going.

“But I fear he will not,” Durrance said.

Dianne Edmondson, Denton County Republican Party chairwoman, said Burgess is well-suited for the committee.

“He has a really good fundamental understanding of what’s wrong with our economy,” she said. “He knows the stimulus package is not the answer. There’s no jobs in that package, and that’s what this country needs.”

Edmondson said Burgess understands the core principles of free-market economy and will be able to champion those principles on the committee.

Burgess also was asked to return to the House Republican Policy Committee. Last year he ran for the position of committee chairman, losing to the incumbent, U.S. Rep. Thad McCotter, R-Mich.

Burgess will continue his work for the House Energy and Commerce Committee for the 111th Congress, according to a news release from his office.

He said the invitation to work on the committee is flattering and humbling at the same time.

“I am grateful to have worked hard enough to achieve recognition, but I recognize there are some large tasks,” Burgess said. “Decisions made today will have far-reaching implications for years to come. It’s a daunting task.”

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