Burgess in the News

Letter to the Editor: Supporting Burgess

Denton Record-Chronicle, November 16, 2009
I support my representative’s vote on HR 3962 as opposed to the letter by Robert Oehlschlager [Letters, Nov. 11]. Rep. Burgess’ vote was an obvious vote with superior logic and intellect, especially as he is a physician.

Also, as an avid reader, I can only think of two documents of similar length with any redeeming value, that being the Bible and the U.S. Tax Code!

I did search my personal library for books I have reviewed of that length and could only come up with one, that being Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary! In that, I do wonder if Mr. O does his own taxes!

The reform of health care can be formulated on a one-page document that provides federal incentives for providing excellent health care at a low cost, which has to be accomplished by each state.

Is it really appropriate for liberal states like California and Massachusetts and Michigan to decide what health care residents of Texas require, at the same time these residents are leaving for jobs and more affordable housing in Texas?

I therefore applaud Dr. Burgess!

Donald Grassi
Valley View

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