Burgess in the News

Burgess talks to crowd during town hall Saturday

The Weekly News of Cooke County, Kit Chase, August 13, 2009
U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess spoke to an audience that filled North Central Texas College Little Theatre and lobby area Saturday about healthcare bill and the National Energy Tax or cap-and-trade bill currently working in Congress. Burgess sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and voted against HR 3200, the Democrat healthcare reform bill.

The bill passed by a vote of 31 to 28 and will be considered when Congress reconvenes
next month. “I voted no on this legislation, but I will admit that there are parts of this bill
that are good,” Burgess said.

Burgess said that he agrees with the bill’s steps to eliminate the problems of “waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid.” Several of his bipartisan amendments to the bill were accepted. However, Burgess said that parts were still missing such as medical liability reform.

“Democrats on this (House Energy and Commerce) committee delivered to Americans more government spending, more federal debt, higher taxes and more government control over their everyday lives,” Burgess said. “This is not what healthcare reform should look like. Americans want quality healthcare that is affordable and this bill does the exact opposite.”

Burgess said that the proposed healthcare bill would cost billions of dollars in new taxes and penalties for Americans and small businesses through new federal mandates “and mandates have no place in a free society.

“It is within our power to fix the problem for the people who need the problem (health insurance) fixed,” Burgess said. “This is largely about political power and solidifying political power for a generation or two to come and that is why the other side is so reluctant to let go a part of this and open a rational discussion between members of both sides who would want to fix the problem for those who need the problem fixed.

“This turnout, this enthusiasm here in North Texas is in many ways changing the world,” Burgess said. “When I came home in May and had a town hall meeting …people were concerned. They saw this cap-and-trade and began to wonder what was going to happen. We passed that out of our committee. I voted no and people were grateful that I voted no, but were concerned I was not able to stop a very bad idea from going forward. I came home in July and we passed on the floor of the house the big cap and trade bill and people were really concerned about that. They appreciated that I was a no vote, but wanted to know what I was going to do to stop it.”

The House passed H.R. 2454 the cap-and trade bill by a vote of 219 to 212. Burgess called the cap-and trade plan a national energy tax that it will lead to more taxes, fewer jobs and government intrusion.

According to Burgess, the energy plan is a $646 billion tax that will cost Americans more than $3,100 a year. Various studies suggest anywhere from 1.8 million to 7 million jobs could be lost.

Burgess opened the discussion and fielded questions from audience members for 90 minutes.

A video of the meeting can be seen at http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1949663

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