Burgess in the News

Protests on rise as healthcare reform debate heats up (video)

WFAA-ABC / Dallas-Fort Worth, Brad Watson, August 3, 2009
As the healthcare debate moves out of Washington and back to Texas the decibels are rising.

North Texas members of Congress expect to hear a lot of health care hollering as they start holding town hall meetings this coming weekend.

U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett, a Democrat, didn't get the chance to end his constituent meeting over the weekend. Demonstrators ended it for him after he told them he favored healthcare reform and a government insurance option. Doggett also said there would be no changing of his mind when it came to the topic.

"They were there to disrupt and protest not to have an honest dialogue about things," he said.

What happened to Doggett is being repeated around the nation as many Democrats face angry protesters after returning home to explain why they supported the healthcare bills moving through Congress.

U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett Doggett claims Republicans and Libertarians outside his district organized the demonstration, although the Republican Party of Texas called it a grass roots protest it had nothing to do with.

U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess, a North Texas Republican, opposes the bills, but he said he still expects protests from both sides.

"I fully expect my friends on the left and my friends on the right, the TEA party folks and the folks who want a single payer system are both going to be out there en masse," he said.

Burgess holds town hall meetings this Saturday in Denton and Gainesville and said protest groups already have called asking if they can bring signs. Burgess said he just hopes his meetings end more orderly than Doggett's.

With healthcare bills put off until after the recess, more noisy debate is expected to continue into September.

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