Committee Statements

H.R. 3550 - Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users

H.R. 3550 To authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. Vote: 357-65 Burgess voted YES *Flake of Arizona Amendment FAILED BY A VOTE OF 60-367 Burgess voted NO *Jackson-Lee of Texas Amendment FAILED BY A VOTE OF 50-376 Burgess voted YES *Chocola of Indiana Amendment FAILED BY A VOTE OF 198-228 Burgess voted NO *Bachus of Alabama Amendment AGREED TO BY A VOTE OF 365-62 Burgess voted YES *Bradley of New Hampshire Amendment FAILED BY A VOTE OF 90-334 Burgess voted NO *Kennedy of Minnesota Amendment AGREED TO BY A VOTE OF 231-193 Burgess voted NO *Isakson of Georgia Amendment FAILED BY A VOTE OF 170-254 Burgess voted YES Title:To authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 11/20/2003) Cosponsors: 145 Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure; House Education and the Workforce; House Energy and Commerce; House Judiciary; House Resources; House Science House Reports: 108-452 Part 1 Related Bills: H.RES.593, S.1072 Latest Major Action: 4/2/2004 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 357 - 65 (Roll no. 114). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY AS OF: 11/20/2003--Introduced. Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users - Reauthorizes the Federal-aid surface transportation program through FY 2009. Reauthorizes appropriations from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) for: (1) specified highway (including highway safety) programs; (2) research and technology; (3) motor carrier safety; and (4) transportation research. Directs the Secretary of Transportation to establish a National Commission on Future Revenue Sources to Support the HTF. Establishes: (1) a National Commission on the Future of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate Defense Highways; and (2) a Commission on Intelligent Transportation Systems Procurement Policy. Requires States with an urbanized area population of over 200,000 to obligate specified funds for congestion relief. Federal Public Transportation Act of 2004 - Sets forth revised provisions governing public transportation funding and the Secretary's authority to make specified grants, including grants for capital projects, planning, and transit and for commercial driver's license program improvements. Directs the Secretary to establish programs involving: (1) long-term bridge performance; (2) innovative highway safety technologies; (3) freight planning capacity building; (4) freight transportation research; (5) future strategic highway research; (6) surface transportation congestion solutions research; and (7) commercial remote sensing products and spatial information technologies. Intelligent Transportation Systems Act of 2004 - Directs the Secretary to conduct an ongoing intelligent system transportation program to research, develop, and operationally test and advance nationwide deployment of intelligent transportation systems as a component of the U.S. surface transportation systems. Incorporates Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration planning provisions. Reauthorizes the hazardous materials transportation program. Makes the guaranteed funding levels provided under this Act dependent on identifying additional budgetary resources.