Press Conference

Americans for Tax Reform - 2003 Hero of the Taxpayer Award

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 | 3:15 PM Washington, DC
Tags: Economy
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), an organization that is opposed to higher taxes at the federal, state and local levels, commends Congressman Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) as a “Hero of the Taxpayer.” Burgess, like ATR, believes in a system in where taxes are simpler, fairer and flatter.

“I have been, and will continue to be, a consistent supporter of conservative fiscal policies,” stated Congressman Burgess after receiving news of his award. “After completing this first session, I am honored to be recognized for a voting record that helps American taxpayers.”

The “Hero of the Taxpayer: award is granted based on “scores” received based on the number of times a lawmaker voted in favor of lower taxes. Congressman Burgess received a rating of 95% during the first session of the 108th Congress. In addition to voting for a fairer and flatter tax system, Congressman Burgess is a long-time advocate of incremental tax reform at all levels. In December, Congressman Burgess traveled to co-freshman Congresswoman Virginia (Ginny) Brown-Waite’s 5th District in Florida to discuss the benefits of his Flat Tax bill, H.R. 1783, which Burgess introduced in the House of Representatives on April 11, 2003.