Press Releases

ICYMI: Burgess joins Mornings with Maria

Washington, D.C. –Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), joined Mornings with Maria to discuss skyrocketing energy costs and inflation’s squeeze on American families. 


On Bidenflation: 
"Look, it is not a secret. I hear from people all the time in the district, and it's not a political statement that it's just really hard right now. If you're a single mom with a couple of kids, this happened last weekend at the grocery store. She said, 'You just can't come in and pick up a couple of items without it costing one hundred bucks.' This is what people are feeling right now."  

On sky-high energy costs: 
"Here's a newsflash for you: We have not run out [of oil] in Texas, and we will pump more if you need more. Just let us. This has been the problem with this administration; they have tried everything they can to put the brakes on domestic production. To the industry's credit, they continue to outperform in this very hostile environment." 
