Press Releases

Burgess: 'Terrible image to give to the American people'

Washington, D.C. –Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), joined Mornings with Maria to discuss the classified documents found in Biden's Delaware home, and the fentanyl crisis.


On the Biden White House's effort to avoid questions in the classified doc debacle:
 "You see his [Biden's] shoulders as he goes through the door, and that is a terrible image to give to the American people when there are such critical questions that need to be answered."

On the fentanyl crisis: "Here is the public service announcement- if you are buying something on the internet, if you are going there to get your pharmaceuticals, don't. Because you don't know what is in it. There is no seal of good housekeeping, no FDA approval, and the stuff is deadly. One pill can kill."