Press Releases

Burgess: Fentanyl Crisis Absolutely Border Security Issue

Washington, D.C. –Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), joined Spicer & Co. to discuss DIRECTV's removal of Newsmax, his reappointment to the House Rules Committee, and the fentanyl crisis at the border. 

On the removal of Newsmax from DIRECTV: "We're in a time where people need perhaps, greater transparency, greater information, then to restriction people's access to information does not seem like a good business plan to me." 

On his reappointment to the House Rules Committee: "This term, I think it will be a much more open process than what you have seen in previous years and that's a good thing, but the Rules Committee is a strictly procedural committee, it's not supposed to be a policy committee, the power policy work is done in the authorizing and appropriations committees."

On the Fentanyl Crisis:
 "You'll hear people say well the fentanyl's coming into the ports of entry so it's not a border security issue, it absolutely is. With Customs Border Patrol and EHS personnel so overwhelmed with just the volume of the number of people that are coming across because the President and Vice President said that our border is open and they can come in anytime, they are so tied up with that activity that they can't do the other part of their job, which is the interdiction of harmful products coming into this country."