Press Releases

GOP Doctors Caucus: 'FDA Rule Endangers Women'

Washington, D.C. – Today, the GOP Doctors Caucus released the following statement on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rule change that broadens availability of abortion pills to retail pharmacies and mailboxes across the country. Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) led a letter to the FDA calling on them to rescind their early January decision to allow pharmacies to dispense the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone.

Statement from Rep. Carter:

"Post offices and pharmacies are not abortion clinics. The Biden administration is willfully playing politics with women and children’s lives, choosing to experiment on their bodies instead of following the science, which points to severe risks and poor health outcomes for patients who use mifepristone for elective abortions. As a pharmacist, I would never prescribe a drug that endangers the life of a mother or her unborn child. This is dangerous, irresponsible, and must be addressed.”

Read the full letter HERE.

Statement from the co-chairs:

"The Biden Administration and the FDA are once again proving their disregard for life in this final rule. The very people who are supposed to protect the health and well-being of the American people want to turn every post office and drug store into an abortion business that ultimately will harm women and unborn children."

"Any medical doctor can tell you that no abortion is safe. Chemical abortions are four times as dangerous as surgical abortions and have higher risks of complications, such as severe blood loss that can lead to death. Mifepristone is a dangerous drug that, used in combination with misoprostol, will block the hormones needed for a fetus to survive in the womb and then cause contractions leading to the expulsion of a dead child."

"This final rule thoughtlessly allows women access to life threatening medication without the knowledge of the side effects, proper supervision of a physician, or follow-up care. Allowing these dangerous drugs to be sold at pharmacies or be delivered via mail is reckless. The FDA should reverse this rule immediately to protect all women and their unborn children."