Press Releases

Burgess Votes in Favor of Pro-life Measures

Washington, D.C. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) released the following statement after voting in favor of both pro-life measures brought to the floor today - H.R. 26, the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” and H.Con.Res 3, the “Resolution Condemning Attacks on Pro-Life Facilities, Groups, and Churches.”

“These measures should not be controversial,” Burgess said. “Today’s vote set the tone loud and clear for the 118th Congress; we have a pro-life majority.”

“I served as an OB/GYN in North Texas for almost 30 years. It shouldn’t take a medical doctor to tell you that a child born alive after surviving an abortion deserves the same degree of life-saving care that you or I would receive. This is common sense. Every physician takes an oath to do no harm and refusing to provide an infant with care directly goes against that oath.

“Similarly, we must condemn acts of violence and vandalism in all their forms. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, we saw a wave of attacks on churches, pregnancy centers, and other pro-life organizations. Today, as a legislative body, we condemned these acts of intimidation. We pushed back against the people who caused harm to organizations who provide care for women and their unborn children in crisis.”