Press Releases

Burgess to Elizabeth MacDonald on Fox Business: “Governor Abbott is stepping up and doing what is required of him to do.”

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) joined Fox Business’ The Evening Edit to discuss former President Trump's visit to our southern border with Governor Abbott.  


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Protecting Texans: “Well look, with the photos from the b-roll that you’ve been showing the border is clearly not secure. People are passing across the border with virtually no one interfering with their passage.… The federal government is not performing its function of securing the border. Governor Abbott is required to keep Texans safe and the federal government is not doing their job, so Governor Abbott is stepping in and doing it for them. It’s the right thing to do.” 

Open boarders are inhumane: “I mean here’s the problem: every time that a decision like that is made in Washington DC, the cartels and the child traffickers in central America monetize that, and they use that to induce and encourage people to make that dangerous journey to the southern border, saying we’ll get you across to land of plenty where then they’ll take care of you. Those poor people. There are pictures of people left stranded on the side of the road.” 

Administration needs to accept reality: “It is important that people understand that it has never been this bad. I’ve been making trips to the border now since one of the first migrant surges back in 2014. I have never seen it as bad as it is now. This administration has to recognize just how much jeopardy they are placing the American people in by not responding to their responsibility.” 
