Burgess in the News

Latta, GOP Energy and Commerce Committee members introduce SELF DRIVE Act


U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) led several of his Republican colleagues from the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee in proposing the SELF DRIVE Act in order to advance the deployment of autonomous vehicles. 

Rep. Latta on June 4 sponsored H.R. 3711, the Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution (SELF DRIVE) Act. Latta was joined by nine original cosponsors, including U.S. Reps. Larry Bucshon (R-IN), Fred Upton (R-MI), Michael Burgess (R-TX), Bill Johnson (R-OH), Billy Long (R-MO), Buddy Carter (R-GA), and John Joyce (R-PA). The bill would amend title 49 of the United States Code regarding the authority of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration over highly automated vehicles (AVs) to provide safety measures for such vehicles, according to the congressional record bill summary.

“Self-driving cars have the potential to reduce traffic accidents and deaths, increase mobility, and improve quality-of-life,” said Rep. Latta, ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. “Autonomous vehicle technology can protect millions of Americans, while at the same time, providing seniors and those living with disabilities a way to live their life outside of their homes.”

In order for the United States to lead on this cutting-edge technology, Rep. Latta said that the nation needs a framework that allows industry to innovate while ensuring high safety standards.

Rep. Bucshon agreed, saying that H.R. 3711 would provide “a framework for self-driving vehicles that enhances consumer safety and spurs innovation of these cutting-edge technologies.” The congressman added that it’s vital for America to “continue to modernize policies that cultivate innovation in order to maintain our status as a national leader, improve safety, and bolster job opportunities and economic growth.”

Rep. Upton also pointed out that recent developments in autonomous vehicle (AV) technology have prompted a need for a national AV standard to ensure passenger safety and incentivize continued investment in driverless capabilities. 

“As the auto capital of our nation, Michigan will play a pivotal role in deploying driverless vehicles and propelling our autonomous fleets into the future,” Rep. Upton said. “This critical technology requires a clear national standard, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to set up the necessary infrastructure to continue this important work.”

Rep. Burgess called the bill a commonsense solution in the nation’s efforts to advance AV technology, which he said “has the potential to save countless lives.”

“Throughout my life, I have seen the life-saving effects of advancements in vehicle technology, from the seat belt, to the air bag, to automatic emergency braking,” said Rep. Burgess. “Self-driving vehicles are the next step in this trajectory by increasing mobility for those who might not have previously had access while contributing to safer vehicle operation and fewer deaths on the road.”

In his home state of Pennsylvania and around the country, Rep. Joyce said that American researchers and scientists continue to make progress in developing AV technology, which he also said is critical to help America compete globally.

“As we compete against China and other world leaders, Congress cannot allow bureaucratic red tape to hinder the development and deployment of AVs,” Rep. Joyce said. “Advancing the SELF DRIVE Act is an important step in this mission.”

Rep. Carter added that he supports H.R. 3711 “because of its importance for autonomous vehicles in the United States. These vehicles are well on their way to hitting our roads, and this legislation is vital to ensure we have the proper legal framework for the cars of the future.”

In addition to the Energy and Commerce Committee, the measure has been referred for consideration to two other committees in the U.S. House of Representatives.