Press Releases

Burgess: Government spending needs to be reined in not increased

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) released the following statement after President Biden released his budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year.

“One of the most essential responsibilities of our government is to establish a budget,”
said Burgess. “Each year the President submits his budget to Congress. Congress must then thoroughly look through the proposal and evaluate what needs to be done to serve the American people and keep the economy growing.”

“The budget put forward by President Biden today is just one more example of how this Administration is working to undo the successful policies of the last four years. Instead of reining in government spending, the President released a proposal that leaves government spending unchecked. While raising taxes on Americans, this budget simply states that government knows how to best manage the lives of individual Americans rather than allowing them to make decisions for themselves.

“This past year, Congress has appropriated trillions of taxpayer dollars to support individuals and businesses throughout this pandemic. We are now emerging from this pandemic. Congress must be extra vigilant that future appropriations do not create inflationary pressures that would only hurt American workers and savers. This budget will strain our economy and only hurt its growth. 

“We are four months away from the government running out of funding. Instead of waiting until the fiscal deadline to rush something through either a Continuing Resolution or omnibus appropriation, my hope is that we would instead follow regular order and have the necessary hearings in the budget and appropriations committees. I am committed to working with fellow Members of the Budget Committee to put forward a budget that reflects the needs of the American people.”