Press Releases

GOP Doctors Caucus: House Floor Mask Mandate is Unscientific, Hurts Public Confidence in Vaccine Effectiveness

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the GOP Doctors Caucus issued the following statement in response to updated guidance that members and staff are still required to wear masks on the House Floor and in committee rooms, regardless of vaccination status:


“House Democratic leadership’s refusal to accept the most recent CDC guidance is sending the wrong message to the American people – that they shouldn’t trust the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines. As physicians and health care providers, we know this couldn’t be further from the truth. The data is clear. It is safe for vaccinated people to take off their masks,” said the Caucus members. “We do not oppose people who want to wear a mask continuing to do so. Members and staff should be free to choose what precautions to take for their health. However, continuing to mandate masks, despite the fact that the science has shown it is an unnecessary precaution, hurts public confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines and will only hamper our efforts to resume normal life.”


The GOP Doctors Caucus wrote to Speaker Pelosi on April 21, 2021, asking her to lay out what she believed would be required for the House to return to regular, in-person business. To date, she has not responded.