Press Releases

Burgess reacts to Biden’s latest gun control measures

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement after President Biden announced six executive actions that will infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

The actions taken by the Administration today will only prevent law-abiding Americans from protecting their families,” said Burgess. “These actions are an attack on our constitutional Second Amendment rights.”

“I do not want anyone to die from senseless violence; however, allowing the Department of Justice to weaken our Second Amendment rights is not the solution. Since last year, Americans have watched crime and murder rates rise throughout our cities. Instead of focusing on how to help law enforcement, the Administration and House Democrats have taken the wrong approach.

“Solutions to reduce crime should be focused on the criminals who commit them, not placing roadblocks in front of law-abiding Americans who want to keep their loved ones safe.

“These actions are an unconstitutional overreach. President Biden needs to work with Congress to find bipartisan solutions that will prevent these tragic crimes from happening.”

