Press Releases

Burgess champions 1115 waiver extension for Texas

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) championed an agreement between Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to continue the state’s Medicaid 1115 Demonstration Waiver for the next 10 years.

“This is great news for Texans,” said Burgess. “Since helping the state navigate negotiation of its 1115 waiver extension in 2017, I have continued to work with Seema Verma and CMS to ensure the state’s success in receiving a longer-term extension. This waiver provides Texas the flexibility to fund programs that that will help with providing care to Texans covered under Medicaid or who are uninsured. These programs will target behavioral health, immunizations, chronic disease prevention, and other prevention services, among other things. This extension will also provide stability, expand risk-based managed care, and allow the state to continue to transition to quality-based payment systems in Medicaid. Thank you to Governor Abbott and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for working tirelessly to achieve this goal.”