Press Releases

Burgess sworn into 117th Congress

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), was sworn into the 117th Congress today. First elected to Congress in 2002, Dr. Burgess has been re-elected every term since.

“It is an incredible opportunity and honor to be able to continue serving the people of the 26th District of Texas,” said Burgess. “I have never forgotten that my service is to this great country, and I will continue to put the issues facing the people of the 26th District first.”

“This past year was a tough year for our nation, and this pandemic has highlighted many issues that Congress needs to address. I will continue to be a strong advocate for health care legislation aimed at allowing doctors to be doctors and putting the needs of patients first by reducing health care costs and improving choices. Also, I will use my position on both the Energy and Commerce and Rules Committees to examine possible changes to Section 230, expanding broadband, and keeping America a leading energy producer.

“I appreciate the trust afforded to me by the people of the 26th District, and I’m ready to get to work on their behalf.”  

Madeline Corso 

Madeline Corso