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ICYMI: Burgess to Fox & Friends: A Vaccine is the Answer to the Problem

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, joined Fox & Friends First, earlier this week, to discuss the merits of the three COVID-19 vaccine candidates that are in final stages of development.  

Here are the highlights:

Impressive scientific achievement: “Remember, it’s been just ten months since this virus really became available to go under study, and everybody said that it would take eighteen months, eighteen months if everything goes perfectly, eighteen months to get a vaccine. Here we are ten months later and you have one pending emergency use authorization by the FDA, another soon to follow, Moderna soon to follow, and now AstraZeneca has come forward.”

Three excellent candidates: “The good news is, three vaccines, each very effective, and even the AstraZeneca vaccine, apparently if the dosage regimen is changed a little bit. A lower dose to begin, a higher dose after, it pushes up into the 90 percent range. Absolutely fantastic results. Thank goodness that we’re here because that is the answer to this problem.”

Confidence in the vaccine: “I do believe that the vaccine will be safe, and … if I’m not accused of breaking in line, I’d be happy to be one of the first ones to roll up my sleeve to demonstrate my confidence in the process.” 

Reaching a deal on COVID-19 relief: “Nancy Pelosi needs to move on this. Let’s get done what can get done. We know even just providing a little flexibility in the payroll protection plan could free up 130 billion dollars. It’s already appropriated. I mean there should be no argument over it. Improve the flexibility, make more dollars available, but there are other things that could be done, it could be wrapped up relatively quickly…Right now relief is necessary, and it could be done again if Nancy Pelosi would just come to the table and be reasonable for about fifteen minutes, I think this deal is done.”