Press Releases

ICYMI: Burgess to Fox and Friends First: “Looks like it [COVID-19 Vaccine] is getting done truly at warp speed”

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, joined Fox and Friends First on Tuesday morning to discuss the news of Pfizer’s announcement that data shows its vaccine candidate will be 90% effective.

Here are the highlights: 

“I think a mask is an excellent idea, … If you wear a mask, wear it correctly, cover both the nose and the mouth. It’s not there to protect your chin, it’s their to protect other people from you."

"Number one, I thought that it was a great idea when we left [the World Health Organization], because I felt that… we’ve done more for them than they too for us, and then when you learn that really in fact, they were there to help the Chinese Communist who weren’t informing us of the fact the virus was around in the first place. Yeah that seems like a logical reason to depart that organization."

"The fact that it’s now been, it [COVID-19 vaccine] is done here as we sit here in November. That’s a phenomenal rate of speed and it appears to be a very effective vaccine. It appears to be very safe, and you know what? There are four other candidate vaccines in the pipeline that may come along in quick order. This is tremendous news, not just for this country but worldwide.”