Press Releases

Burgess to Newsmax: Trump is the “right to try” president

Washington, D.C. – This weekend, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, joined a Newsmax special to discuss the President’s COVID-19 treatment, which has not only benefitted the president as he navigates this illness, but been helpful for all Americans.  

Highlights here: 

“[The apparent success of certain drugs in treating the president] creates enormous capital, not just remdesivir, of course the regeneron polyclone antibody that he received Friday evening. That of course was funded through BARDA under the president’s direction.”

“He [President Trump] has really put his shoulder into this on the therapeutic side, the antivirals, vaccines. To be sure, I have never in my entire time in Congress seen this type of government response.  I longed for it when Ebola was percolating over Western Africa, when we had Zika on the march down in South America, threatening our Olympic athletes. Never could get any type of response out of the previous administration. This administration really has taken this seriously and pushed it forward. This is the right to try president."

The full interview is available here.