Press Releases

Burgess Works to Expand Consumer Choice in Connectivity

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, introduced the “Consumer Access to Broadband for Local Economies and Competition” or “CABLE Competition” Act.

“In 2020 Americans should not be limited by franchise restrictions when choosing broadband services. This legislation will increase competition by getting rid of regulations that are not keeping up with how consumers access cable and Internet services,” Burgess said. “The expansion of telehealth and increased number of Americans working from home during this pandemic has revealed the necessity of being able to maintain reliable Internet services. I hope my fellow members will join me in quickly passing this vital legislation.   

"More than 21 million Americans could not access broadband before COVID-19, and the pandemic has made even more clear how vital these services are as Americans work, learn, and receive health care from home. I appreciate Rep. Burgess's leadership in introducing the CABLE Competition Act. Republicans are leading the way to close the digital divide for all Americans," Walden said.

The CABLE Competition Act:

  • Prohibits a franchise authority from:
    • Precluding cable operators from transferring a franchise.
    • Requiring cable operators to receive approval from a franchise authority for the transfer of such franchise.
  • Permits franchise authorities to require a cable operator transferring a franchise to notify the franchise authority within 15 days of the transfer.