Press Releases

Burgess: It is Time for Congress to be Realistic

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, released the following statement after he voted against H.R. 6800 – the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act.

“During March and April, Congress passed four emergency appropriations bills,” Burgess said.  “Congress needs to take the time to review the implementation of these pieces of legislation. It is critical that Congress is deliberate, studies and learns from action already taken, and then decides what further action is needed. The American taxpayer has entrusted Congress with this responsibility and continuing to spend money without oversight is just wrong.”   

“We have taken significant, unprecedented steps to help our frontline health care workers, care for sick Americans, and prevent economic collapse. Without this support, we will not emerge intact on the other side of this pandemic; however, Congress needs to be realistic. We cannot continue to spend money without even knowing what we are buying.

“A few weeks ago, we passed a $2.5 trillion response bill, much of which is still being implemented. While part of it was used to establish successful programs like the Paycheck Protection Program, we do not yet know how other programs are working and whether adjustments are needed. 

“Before spending another $3 trillion dollars of taxpayer money, we have to have the time to evaluate the current state of response and recovery. I actually do expect more assistance will be needed. This makes it more important that we get the numbers right when we do pass what I hope will be a bipartisan agreement for the benefit of the American people.”