
The Fulcrum: Ocasio-Cortez, Shalala lead finalists for democracy awards

by Bill Theobald Freshman members of Congress, particularly the newest female lawmakers, are leading the way on Capitol Hill in how they run their offices and serve constituent needs. The Congressional Management Foundation announced Thursday the finalists for its Democracy Awards and nine people in their first terms — the most in the three years the awards have been handed out — made the cut. Seven women are among the finalists, again the most in the short history of the awards, which honor members of Congress for their work in four categories: constituent service; workplace environment; tran... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 1, 2020 Dear Friends, Today is Census Day, and it has never been easier to respond to the census, the 2020 Census can be completed online, by phone, or by mail. National Update: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will continue to accelerate the development of Coronavirus therapies. The FDA established the Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program to support the development of COVID-19 therapies and make them available for patients in a timely manner. There is a shortage of hydrochloroquine and chloroquine due to a surge in demand. The FDA is working with manufacturers to assess sup... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

March 31, 2020 Dear Friends, I started off my day by speaking with KLIF's Dave and Amy. On the show, I reminded them that there is a dawn on the horizon, but it's still a tough slog for everyone. The one thing that remains true as new reports come out each day is together we will defeat this coronavirus . National Update: Nearly 100,000 people are being tested each day for this Coronavirus infection. HHS has released information between state and local public health laboratories, commercial laboratories, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and hospital laboratories, more than 1,018,415 sample... Read More »

News Medical Life Sciences: AGS commends Congress for prioritizing care for older adults in response to COVID-19

Reviewed by James Ives, M. Psych. (Editor) The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) today commended Congress and President Trump for supporting critical efforts to expand geriatrics expertise through the more than $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package (S. 3548). "Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, social workers, and all our geriatrics experts are vital--not just to the U.S. economy but also to our health, safety, and independence, which make our economy what it is. As we continue to review the stimulus in detail, we applaud Senators Bob Casey and Susan Collins, as well as Rep... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

March 30, 2020 Dear Friends, Today, is Doctor's Day. This day is celebrated each year in remembrance of Dr. Crawford Long. He was a pioneer in the medical field. As we reflect on this Doctor's Day, let us remember to be grateful for the doctors on the front lines of this pandemic. Remember today and every day to thank a doctor because not all heroes wear capes. National Update: New information is available on how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is working to mitigate supply chain issues during this time. The FDA released detailed descriptions of its efforts to ensure access to necessar... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

March 29, 2020 Dear Friends, While it is important that we all do our part by staying home and social distancing, there is help on the way for the American taxpayers and small business owners. The IRS released information detailing the extended taxing filing deadline - July 15, 2020. Also, through the Paycheck Protection Program, small business owners are able to receive 100 percent federally-guaranteed loans for eight weeks. Here is the most helpful part - if a small business keeps its workers employed, that portion of the loan will be forgiven. National Update: Medicare providers and suppli... Read More »

Burgess: Congress Did the Right Thing by Strongly Responding to COVID-19

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health released the following statement after the House passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that includes several legislative priorities of the subcommittee. “It is a very sad and dangerous time in our country. But here is the simple truth: Congress needed to do something to stabilize the economic situation,” Burgess said. “Our country is in a war and if Congress did not act, we would not have the ability to pick up the pieces on ... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

March 27, 2020 Dear Friends, A dawn is coming when this Coronavirus will notoccupy our every waking thought. Today, by passing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,Congress took steps to help preserve the American economy for after this pandemic is over. The CARES Actwillprovide immediate relief to American industries, small businesses, and individuals while ensuring our health care providers have the resources they need to deal with COVID-19. Before voting for this vital legislation, Ispoke onthe House floor about the true heroes -the nurses, doctors, and all those ... Read More »

North Texas Members Of Congress Voice Support After House Passes $2.2 Trillion Relief Package

by North Texas members of congress are voicing their support after the House passed a $2.2 trillion bill that will provide economic relief for Americans and businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic. The biggest economic relief bill in U.S. history was passed with bipartisan support by a voice vote. As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and number of unemployment claims skyrocket in the U.S., the bill will look to provide some stability to the economy. Through the bill, qualified Americans can expect to receive a check of up to $1,200 and better benefits for unemployment. Large a... Read More »