
A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 20, 2020 Dear Friends, Yesterday, I joined WFAA's Inside Texas Politics with Jason Whitely to talk about re-opening Texas and the country. I told Jason that as we take the step forward, we need to be smart about it and be ready to respondif COVID-19 cases start to flare-up again. Governor Abbott and President Trump are taking the right approach by having a gradual phase-in plan. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released guidance on providing essential non-COVID-19 care to patients in communities that are in Phase 1 of the plan for Opening Up America Again. Health care ... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 19, 2020 Dear Friends, Last night I spoke with Jon Scott on the Fox Reportabout the steps states are taking to re-open. While I understand that we are all experiencing serious casesof cabin fever, I believe Governor Abbott's approach to phrase inre-opening is the best move.This will not be like switching a switch but morelike turning a dimmer switch. We will get there; however, it willtake some patience. National Update: The American Hospital Association announced a partnership with industry groups to launch a personal protective equipment app. This initiative – Protecting People Everyw... Read More »

Burgess to Chris Salcedo: The Paycheck Protection Program Provides Financial Protection to American Workers during this Public Health Crisis

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, spoke with Newsmax TV’s Chris Salcedo about the politics of reopening the country and getting Congress back to work amidst the public health crisis. > Here are the highlights: The Importance of the Paycheck Protect Program: The money is necessary. I was one of those that had my doubts when Secretary Mnuchin talked about it originally. I wondered if the Small Business Administration would ever be up to the task. Fort... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 17, 2020 Dear Friends, I sent a letter toSpeaker Pelosi,Minority LeaderMcCarthy, House Committee on Small Business Chair Velazquez and Republican Leader Chabot requesting that 501(c)(6) organizations be eligible to receive loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). In the letter, I also requested that Congress act quickly to provide additional funding for thePPP. I was alerted to this issue during a conference call with Congressman Chabot and TX-26 small businesses. Local chambers expressed their concern about 501(c)(6) organizations being exempt from being able to receive PPP fu... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 16, 2020 Dear Friends, Congress has a responsibility to help get Americans back to work. By allowing the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)to run dry, Democrats have committed legislative malpractice. Lenders are now forced to deny small businesses requesting PPP loans since funding for the program has been exhausted. The economy is sick because of the virus not because it was a bad economy, and the PPP is helping to protect jobs during the economic crisis. According to the Small Business Administration more than 1,650,000 loans have been approved, over $339 billion in loans have been pr... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 15, 2020 Dear Friends, I started my day off talking to a few local radio shows.On one, I was talking with 660AM the Answer's Mark Davis about the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic and there action of President Wilson. We compared to it to President Trump's reaction to this Coronavirus pandemic and how he has brought forward leaders such as Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx to spearhead our nation's response. While on the topic of politicians'reactions,we discussed how the same Democrats who want to blame the President for his response dismissed my request to have public hearings on this crisis back in Feb... Read More »

KLIF News: April 15, 2020

Congressman Michael Burgess joins Dave & Amy to talk about President Trump's harsh criticism of the World Health Organization, and how the coronavirus has gotten where it has in America so far. Published here. Read More »

The Mark Davis Show: April 15, 2020

Congressional Wednesday with U.S. Senator John Cornyn & U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess as we walk the path back to work, and policy battles that may slow aid to people & businesses. Published here. Read More »