
Burgess Works to Promote Emerging Technologies

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, co-sponsored the American COMPETE Act to require a report on the impact of artificial intelligence on United States businesses from the Federal Trade Commission and Secretary of Commerce. "America’s future is being defined by new and innovative technologies,” said Burgess. “It is critical that we continue to develop these emerging technologies to advance American innovation." "These technologies offer tremendous ben... Read More »

19 Stories for 100 Years

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment officially being adopted to the U.S. Constitution and women gaining the right to vote in this country. In celebration of this anniversary, I want to highlight a few of the many female pioneers, innovators, and world-changers from the 26th District of Texas. Texas-26 women lead in every field under the sun. Here are 19 women who have made our community, state, and nation a better place with their drive, courage and compassion. 1. Benjy Frances Brooks, M.D., born in Lewisville, TX and educated at North Texas State University was the first ... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

August 25, 2020 Dear Friends, Sunday, President Trump along with the Food and Drug Administration, announced that convalescent plasma may be effective in treating COVID-19, and issued an emergency use authorization for its use in treating hospitalized patients. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS) released a Medicaid Informational Bulletin outlining available flexibilities to increase reimbursement for nursing facilities that implement specific infection control practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19. CMS has launched CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training for Frontline Nursing Home... Read More »

Bloomberg Government: GOP Doctors in the house Push for Vaccine, Dismiss Single Payer

by Alex Ruoff Republican doctors in Congress are playing a larger role in their party’s health-care agenda and plan to use their backgrounds to promote a coronavirus vaccine while opposing efforts to expand public insurance programs. The GOP Doctors Caucus, made up of 18 lawmakers with various medical backgrounds, faces a tough challenge in the months to come. Multiple failed Republican votes to repeal Obamacare after President Donald Trump took office helped Democrats win back the House two years ago. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said fighting the coronavirus would be his top pri... Read More »

Cision: Patient Protection Pledge: Lawmakers, Candidates, Constituents Join Together to Show Their Support For Healthcare Price Transparency

by Independent Women's Voice Today, Independent Women's Voice (IWV) announced the launch of the Patient Protection Pledge, a promise to stand with patients and their right to know the price of healthcare services before receiving care. The pledge was designed to let constituents know which lawmakers and candidates are committed in their support for any bill that would require upfront genuine healthcare price transparency and cash prices for all medical products, procedures, providers, and services. There is no issue that more dramatically pits the business-as-usual DC swamp against the interes... Read More »

Townhall: Dems Pass USPS Bill and Block Common Sense Legislation to Help Workers

by Courtney O'Brien The Democrats were back in session on Saturday to vote on an "emergency" measure to "save the post office." The measure, which provides $25 billion to the U.S. Postal Service, passed by a vote of 257 to 150, including 26 Republican votes. The vote came on the heels of the Democrats' conspiracy theory that President Trump wants to hold the USPS hostage to improve his chances of winning his re-election in November. Whatever "threat" Trump posed to the Postal Service was upended by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) during a Senate hearing with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Meanwhile, ... Read More »

Burgess: The Problems Facing the Postal Service Are Not New

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, recently finished speaking on the House floor about H.R. 8015 - Delivering for America Act does not solve the manufactured crisis House Democrats have created for the U.S. Postal Service. As Prepared for Delivery: H.R. 8015, the Delivering for America Act is a rushed, unnecessary piece of legislation that will not address the core problems of the United States Postal Service. This bill appropriates a 25 billion doll... Read More »

Burgess: It is Past Time to Consider Matters of Actual Urgency for Americans

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, called on House Democrats to focus on providing solutions for Americans rather than a manufactured crisis for the U.S. Postal Service. As Prepared for Delivery: There is a sudden sense of urgency to address the financial stability of the postal service. Where was the sense of urgency from House Democratic Leadership at the start of this pandemic? The postal service issues did not surface only this week, they have be... Read More »

Daily Caller: Democrats Block Coronavirus Relief, Police Legislation After Pelosi Calls House Back for Postal Service Bill

by Thomas Catenacci Democrats blocked bills regarding coronavirus relief Saturday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the chamber back to debate and vote on U.S. Postal Service legislation. Pelosi brought the House back into session from recess to vote on a bill that would block the Trump administration from making additional changes to the Postal Service. Republicans took the opportunity, however, to introduce three bills addressing coronavirus vaccine funding, amending the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and increasing funding to police departments nationwide. “We could come together a... Read More »

Breitbart: House Democrats Block Funding for Police, Small Business Aid

by Sean Moran House Democrats blocked three bills on Saturday that would have provided funding for law enforcement, aid to small businesses, and more funding for potential coronavirus treatments. Rep. Rob Woodall (R-GA) introduced a motion to defeat the previous question, which would have allowed for the consideration of three House Republican bills to better Americans’ lives. The first bill, sponsored by Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX), would have provided emergency funding to continue the development of vaccines, therapeutics, and building up a strategic stockpile of personal protective equipmen... Read More »