
Burgess, Castor Champion MISSION Zero Act

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, and Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-FL) reintroduced the MISSION Zero Act to allow the Department of Defense (DoD) to continue assigning trauma surgeons to civilian trauma centers to assist in filling gaps in emergency room care. “The MISSION Zero Act established a grant program to foster a partnership between our military and civilian trauma providers to bolster public health preparedness measures,” said Congressman Burgess. “Our military has made incredible strides in delivering t... Read More »

Burgess Speaks in Favor of Lower Energy Costs

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, just spoke on the House Floor in favor of H.R. 1 - the Lower Energy Cost Act. As Prepared for Delivery: Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the rule and the underlying legislation. Mr. Speaker, the piece of legislation before us today is the culmination of four years of hard work by the members of the Republican Conference. I would like to thank Chairwoman Rodgers and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Duncan for their leadership in bringing this urgent and necessary legislation to the flo... Read More »

ICYMI: Burgess Join CNBC's Last Call

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, joined Brian Sullivan last night on CNBC's Last Call to discuss yesterday's House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing with TikTok CEO Shou Chew. Highlights here: Dodge Questions: "Well, I don’t think he actually answered my question and look there’s no, there’s no shame in having someone help you prepare for a congressional hearing. It’s something that people don’t go through all the time.... but my interest was obviously as someone at ByteDance or someone in the CCP pulling the string... Read More »

Burgess: Power to The Parents

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, released the following statement after voting in support of H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights. “The Parents Bill of Rights affirms the fundamental rights of parents to be informed and involved in their child's education,” said Burgess. “Parents must have access to important information such as curriculum, school spending, and updates on any violent activity at school. One size fits all solutions from the halls of Washington do not consider each child and their unique educational needs. ... Read More »

GOP Rep. Pushes Bill to End Democrats’ ‘Cruel’ Use of Migrant Teen Workers

By: Neil Munro | Breitbart News GOP Texas Rep. Michael Burgess has drafted a bill to help his fellow GOP legislators vote against President Joe Biden’s shocking transfer of indebted foreign teenagers into low-wage jobs throughout the United States. “Our immigration system … has become astonishingly cruel because of the open-border policies of the Biden administration,” Burgess told Breitbart News, adding: One of the things that really spurred me to get the bill reintroduced in this Congress was the article in the New York Times about the exploitation — child labor exploitation — that was going... Read More »

OB-GYN workforce shortages could worsen maternal health crisis

By: Sandhya Raman & Ariel Cohen | Roll Call News A patchwork of state laws in the aftermath of a Supreme Court decision overturning the right to an abortion, combined with pandemic-related burnout and low reimbursement rates, could exacerbate an already looming national shortage of obstetrician-gynecologists, experts say. Medical students say that given the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision overturning Roe v. Wade, they must consider a landscape of rapidly changing abortion legislation, with litigation often making it difficult to determine what is legal where. Typically "p... Read More »

ICYMI: Rep. Burgess joins Fox Business "The Evening Edit"

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, joined Fox Business' The Evening Edit to discuss the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic and the actions of the Chinese Communist Party in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Highlights: President Biden has the power to declassify the origins of COVID: "The President could declassify these documents tomorrow morning if he wanted to. He's got a unanimous vote in the Senate, a unanimous vote in the House to defy for the Director of National Intelligence to declassify these documents. For he... Read More »

Burgess, Blunt Rochester, Murphy, Tonko Work to Raise Awareness for Blood Clots

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee, joined by Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.), Congressman Gregory F. Murphy, M.D. (R-NC), and Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) seek to raise awareness for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) by introducing a resolution for “Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Awareness Month.” “DVT impacts nearly a million Americans each year, with close to 100,000 Americans losing their life due to a blood clot,” said Rep. Burgess. “By recognizing Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Awarene... Read More »

Republicans Revive Push to Allow Americans to Sue CCP Over COVID-19

By: Samantha Flom | The Epoch Times Legislative efforts to enable Americans to sue the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over the COVID-19 pandemic have been renewed on Capitol Hill by Reps. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Michael Burgess (R-Texas). Under legislation the congressmen introduced on March 10, the Chinese communist regime could be held legally liable for misrepresenting “the seriousness and nature” of the novel coronavirus to the World Health Organization (WHO), resulting in “loss of life, injury, and damage to property and commercial interests” of people around the world. “Knowing that Xi J... Read More »

Reps. Chris Smith, Michael Burgess Bill Would Give Americans the Right to Sue China for Coronavirus

By: Kristina Wong | Breitbart News Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and and Michael Burgess, MD (R-TX) unveiled a bill last week that would give Americans the right to sue the Chinese Communist Party for damages after it allowed the coronavirus to spread around the world. “With people finally recognizing that COVID-19 more than likely came from the Wuhan lab — something I raised from the very beginning — it is outrageous that no one has been held to account,” Smith, the chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, said in an exclusive quote to Breitbart News on Sunday. “China’s communist ... Read More »