
Weekly Address: Supporting American Workers

| Emma Thomson

Each year, Labor Day is an opportunity to consider how American workers are building a strong foundation for their families while contributing to the advancement of our economy. In this weekly address, Dr. Burgess reflects on his work to build American jobs for American workers at American wages. Read his full remarks here. Read More »

Special Address: Remembering John McCain

| Emma Thomson

This week our nation lost a great American hero and public servant. Senator John McCain selflessly served our nation – first in the Navy and then in the United States Senate. In this special address, Dr. Burgess reflects on the life and legacy on Senator McCain. Read his full remarks here. Read More »

Burgess Travels to Central America, Seeks Solutions to Secure Borders and Prevent Dangerous Crossings

| Emma Thomson

Lake Dallas, T.X. — Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, last week traveled to Central America in a continuation of his work to seek meaningful solutions to our nation’s immigration crisis. He visited El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala to learn firsthand about the immigration, humanitarian, and energy challenges in this region. Since 2014, the United States has received a large number of unaccompanied alien minors who have fled from the nations of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Those who attempt to reach the United St... Read More »

Burgess Statement on Senator John McCain

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, released the following statement on the life and legacy of Senator John McCain. “Senator John McCain was an American hero who dedicated his life to serving the American people. From a POW camp in Vietnam to the halls of the Russell Senate Office Building, Senator McCain embodied the American spirit of patriotism, dedication, and service. A proven warrior, Senator McCain used his influence in Congress to fight for veterans and members of the Armed Forces, his fellow Arizo... Read More »

Dr. Burgess Weekly Address: Serving North Texas

| Emma Thomson

From conducting constituent case work to nominating students for U.S. Service Academies and recognizing outstanding veterans, Dr. Burgess provides a variety of services to North Texans. In this weekly address, Dr. Burgess shares information about constituent services that are available to all residents of the 26th District. To learn more about this work, please visit Read his full remarks here. Read More »

Dr. Burgess: Securing the Border Is the Most Humane Policy

| Emma Thomson

OpEd: Securing the Border Is the Most Humane Policy By: Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. August 17, 2018 Each month, as many as tens of thousands stream across our southern border from Central American countries without obtaining legal status. Thousands are unaccompanied alien children who have completed a perilous journey before even having reached the Rio Grande. All Americans can agree that this is a problem. Our immigration system is broken. From the numbers, we know that America is the most generous country in the world. Through our nation’s legal immigration process, we welcome well... Read More »

Dr. Burgess Joins Lone Star Politics

This weekend, Dr. Burgess sat down with Julie Fine and Rudy Bush on NBC 5's "Lone Star Politics" to discuss election security, America's growing economy, and Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Read More »

Dr. Burgess Weekly Address: Hearing from North Texans

| Emma Thomson

This week, Dr. Burgess held two public town hall meetings in the 26th District. All North Texans have the right to be heard, and each year town hall meetings are an opportunity for Dr. Burgess and his constituents to discuss issues that are important to North Texas families. In this weekly address, Dr. Burgess gives an update on these meetings and his work for North Texans. Read More »

ICYMI: Dr. Burgess Offers a Path to a Secure Border

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, spoke on the House Floor last week about the history of several Administrations’ use of “zero-tolerance” immigration policy throughout American history. Using case studies of Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama’s enforcement policies, Dr. Burgess traces the roots of today’s immigration chaos, and offers a path forward to securing our borders. Key Excerpts: There is significant proof that an enforcement-first policy deters people from subjecting themsel... Read More »