Committee Statements

Iraq Supplemental Statement

WASHINGTON, DC, March 23, 2007 | Michelle Stein ((202) 225-7772)

House Republican Policy Committee Vice Chairman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) issued the following statement this afternoon in reaction to House passage of the majority’s accelerated schedule of troop retreat in Iraq:

“This vote is perhaps the most blatant form of politicking I’ve witnessed on Capitol Hill. Gambling with the lives of our troops just in an effort to show their disagreement with the War in Iraq is beneath the Majority Party.”

“For all of the discussions about the true needs of our fighting men and women, I find it sad that House Leadership found it necessary to add more than $20 billion of non-emergency funding to the Iraq Supplemental so they could have the necessary votes to pass the bill. Clearly, many individual members, in good conscious, could not vote for this bill. But the mighty dollar persuaded some to sacrifice their beliefs and vote for the bill anyway.”

“I can only hope that our counterparts in the Senate fix this bill. If they are unsuccessful, I am confident the President will right this wrong.”

“Advancements and progress in Iraq have been substantial over the past few weeks under new direction with increased vigor. Curbing our commanders’ decision-making while on the ground in this battle is a step backwards.”

“Imposing time constraints lacks commonsense and places our soldiers in harm’s way. I continue to support our troops, and I believe the fastest way to bring them home is to succeed in Iraq –not to hope for the best at a certain time and leave regardless. People need to understand the precarious position we place ourselves, and the rest of the free world in, if we leave too soon.”