Committee Statements

Increasing Veterans’ Benefits, Burgess Says it is Commonsense

WASHINGTON, DC, March 21, 2007 | Michelle Stein ((202) 225-7772)


On March 21, the U.S. House of Representatives passed three hallmark pieces of legislation aimed at improving and increasing benefits for veterans. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) voted in favor of each piece of legislation.

“I found it amazing that these bills were not already on the books,” said Congressman Michael Burgess. “But I am glad that I was here to vote in favor of these bills which will make a substantial difference to health and well-being of our veterans and their families.”

The first bill, H.R. 327, Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act mandates the screening of all patients at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities for suicide risk factors and the tracking of at-risk veterans. Also required is a suicide-prevention counselor at each VA medical center and outreach to veterans and families concerning mental health issues. There would also be a 24-hour toll-free mental health hotline.

The second bill, H.R. 797, Dr. James Allen Veteran Vision Equity Act allows veterans who receive benefits for service-connected loss of sight in one eye to receive additional benefits. This bill also has a unique inclusion that would authorize the VA secretary to provide a bronze “V” for markers of veterans who are buried at private cemeteries.

The final bill, H.R. 1284, Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2007 enacts routine cost-of-living increases for benefits to veterans with service-connected disabilities. Additionally, the bill applies to indemnity benefits and dependency benefits for the family of a disabled veteran.

Currently, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman does not plan to address the House bills anytime soon, but has remarked that there will be hearings in May concerning where a number of bills will be debated.