Floor Statements

Success of the Texas Medical Liability

SUCCESS OF THE TEXAS MEDICAL LIABILITY TRUST -- (House of Representatives - September 20, 2005) Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, just a little over 2 years ago Texas passed a constitutional amendment that allowed for caps on noneconomic damages in medical liability lawsuits. And what has been the experience in Texas over those 2 years? Well, we have seen insurance and doctors come back to the State. Texas had gone from 17 down to two medical insurance companies, and now they are back up to 12. Not-for-profit hospitals have seen significant increases in the money that they are now able to invest in plants and equipment, money that otherwise would have gone for their self-insurance programs. And perhaps most importantly, the rates of liability insurance for Texas doctors has come down. Texas Medical Liability Trust has reduced rates three times since the passage of House bill 4 and proposition 12, 12 percent in 2004, 5 percent in 2005, and now a recently announced 5 percent decrease in 2006, and, coupled with that, a 5 percent dividend rebate. So that now there is a total of 27 percent insurance savings for Texas doctors in medical liability. Speaking to physicians of the Texas Medical Association just last weekend, Dr. Dennis Factor said, ``Access to health care and the malpractice environment in Texas has made a healthy recovery since the Texas legislature passed medical liability reform.'' I urge this body to take it up and get it done. Watch Video